IEK3000 Combined Live/Dead Installation Test Kit
This Kit comprises the ISO-TECH IPT3200 combined Loop/RCD tester with the ISO-TECH IIT2302 insulation tester. The two seperate instruments allow dead circuit testing to be seperated from live circuit testing.
IIT2302 Features:
Digital continuity and insulation tester
250/500/1000V insulation test ranges (1mA)
20/200/2000 Ohm continuity ranges with 200mA test current
Auto null
Bar graph indication of test voltage
Live circuit warning
Protects against accidental connection to live circuit
Automatic capacitive circuit discharge on release of test button
Lock-down test button for continuous operation
Complies with safety standard EN61010-1 CAT III 300V
Tests to: BS7671: 413-04-04, 713-02, 713-03, 713-04, 713-06, 713-08-01
IPT3200 Features:
Loop, PSC and RCD tests in a single unit
20/200/2000O Loop ranges
PSC to 20kA
DC tests for RCDs
RCD Ramp test
RCD anti-trip technology allows loop testing without bypassing RCDs
25A high current test for fast loop tests in noisy environments and where tripping RCDs is not a consideration
Designed to BS EN 61010-1/IEC 1010 Category III 300V
Complies with BS 7671 wiring regulations
Fully protected against accidental phase to phase connection
Supplied with
Soft carry case, Test leads with crocodile clips, BS1636 mains socket test lead, Instruction manuals, AA batteries