Fluke PSi50s Bench Power Supply Module
Bench power supply for Fluke i50s 50 MHz Current Probe
Nominal V A Rating: 46 V A
AC/V Input: Bivoltage 115/230 VAC with manual Selector
On 115 VAC: 115 VAC nominal (103 VAC...127 VAC )
On 230 VAC: 230 VAC nominal (207 VAC…253 VAC)
AC/V Frequency Range: 44...60 Hz
Nominal Rated Input Current: 200 mA / 230 VAC, 400 mA / 115 VAC
Output Voltage: ±12 VDC ±0.5 VDCa
Dual Output to supply: 2 x i50s current probes
Nominal Output Current: ± 550 mA per output
Maximum Output Current: ± 1.3 A per output