Power Switch
Easy replacement for mechanical contactors
Mechanical contactors controlling heating elements may operate three million times per year. The lifetime of these contactors is between 1 and 3 years; therefore they need to be replaced regularly during the typical life of an industrial machine.
ESwitch is an interesting solution to solve this problem. Because the contact is electronic, the lifetime is significantly extended. Its wiring is as simple as for a mechanical contactor and the mounting is very easy: just clip it on a DIN rail! It features a broad range of AC and DC command signals with a front face LED to display the input status to help commissioning and diagnostics.
Extend the life of your heaters
Tests performed by a well-known heater supplier have shown that heaters can last up to seven times longer when used with a solid state contactor. Faster on/off cycle times cause less thermal expansion and contraction and thus reduce breakage due to fatigue and thermo-mechanical stress. So by preserving the heating elements, ESwitch will allow you to maximize your ROI:
Increase lifetime of heating elements
Reduce downtime
Minimise scrap
Improve yield and productivity
By combining robustness, security of operations with simplicity of integration and use, ESwitch offers the best ratio of 'performance versus price' for the power switches market.